• An IEC is a consultant who works one-on-one with students and their families to provide individualize support throughout the college application process. Leveraging their knowledge of specific campuses and an understanding of admissions standards, an IEC can broaden potential college options and provide provide support in weighing factors such as cost, location and curriculum.

  • An IEC acts as a neutral third-party as families navigate the college application process. This allows students and their families to enjoy their final years under the same roof with less stress.

    Additionally with rising tuition rates, overworked counselors, and a rapidly changing post-secondary landscape, parents are increasingly seeking assistance from IECs. According to recent a recent survey, 26% of high achieving seniors utilized an IEC to assist in their college search.

    Before you hire an IEC, here are twelve questions you should ask during your initial consultation.

  • High school counselors are a great resource for students and it is important for students to build strong relationships with their counselor. That said, as a former high school teacher, Blythe knows how demanding the profession can be, especially in the public school setting where counselors have an average caseload of 405 students. Counselors are responsible for their students’ academic, social, emotional, college and career needs. IECs are able to meet with students and families when it is convenient for them and only take a limited number of clients to ensure they receive the necessary support.

  • It depends on the student’s needs, but in some cases the sooner the better. Many students will start working with an IEC the summer before their junior year. However, some families may prefer to meet during the student’s 9th or 10th grade for assistance in course selection, extracurricular activity guidance, and summer break endeavors. Other families may choose to undertake an accelerated senior application program, which is available for highly prepared students and begins the July before their senior year.

    Because comprehensive packages are inherently individualized, services can begin at any time during the year, but most clients elect to begin during the summer months.

  • Colvos works with college-bound students of all levels and prioritize the right academic, social, and financial fit over prestige in order to encourage growth and future success. To that end, we welcome all college-bound students.

  • Yes! Part of building a strong college list for students is finding universities that fit your family’s financial situation and budget. Surprisingly, many private colleges can be more affordable than state universities due to their large endowments and generous financial aid. Colvos will also help you navigate the financial aid landscape and understand the types of financial aid available as well as assist in guiding your child through the scholarship search to earn additional financial aid.

  • No, Colvos abides by the HECA (Higher Education Consultants Association) Code of Ethics and IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association) Principles of Good Practice, which means that we neither guarantee admission to any post-secondary institution, nor do we accept any reward for referral or recruitment of students to universities. All services are strictly advisory.

    Additionally, Colvos will not write essays, complete applications, or fill out financial aid forms for students.

  • While parents are encouraged to be involved in the process, they are not required to attend meetings. We do request that they are present for specific milestones such as the presentation of the college list, financial aid discussions, and initial meetings.

  • We always start by booking a free consultation to make sure our services are right for your family. In that consultation we will get to know each other a little bit and discuss your families needs. After the meeting we like to give families some time to confer before letting us know if they would like to work with us.

  • Feel free to reach out to with any other questions!

Students working with us have received acceptances from…

Georgetown University

Stanford University

UC Berkeley

Swarthmore College

University of Southern California

Vanderbilt University

UC Irvine

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo


UC San Diego

Pepperdine University

See more acceptances on our Student Success page!

• Georgetown University • Stanford University • UC Berkeley • Swarthmore College • University of Southern California • Vanderbilt University • UC Irvine • Cal Poly San Luis Obispo • UCLA • UC San Diego • Pepperdine University • See more acceptances on our Student Success page!